Join us as we connect, network, educate, and cultivate co-ops throughout Georgia at our first Co-op Social of the year!

The Georgia Cooperative Development Center and the Organization for Human Rights and Democracy present Co-op Social.  The gathering opens discussion on how to access funds​ to all business types and cooperators to capitalize your cooperative or small business.  

The Co-op Social will be held Saturday April 26, 10am -12pm at the Ke’nekt Coffee House Cooperative located at 1492 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd, Atlanta, GA in the west end. Featuring Dr. Jovan Julien Loan Steward for Regenerate Atlanta Wealth Fund and Alex Hixson, VP of the National Cooperative Bank.Connecting, networking, educating, and accelerating the cooperative business model for social justice and cultivating a more equitable Georgia. 

For more information or to register, the website is or The phone number is 770.284.0042.