Georgia Cooperative Development Center

Happy New Year Co-op Family!

Reflections and Looking Ahead!

It’s hard to believe another year has past. But here we are at the start of a new year with new plans, new hopes, and a new vision to move us forward. We had a great year and accomplished our goals. We also helped to support the launch of 3 new co-ops. From Farming and grocery, to a fishery and housing co-op, these are just a few of the co-op innovation stories we’ll share this year and beyond.


With the support of the USDA RCDG grant, in collaboration with our partners, Regenerate Atlanta and Organization for Human Rights and Democracy, we were able to host a co-op academy with 30 registrants representing 10 co-ops in-the-making. We also continued to expand our network, nurture relationships to strengthen the foundation of relational wealth, that Co-ops hold in high regard. Just to name a few, congratulations to Goodness Gracious, Southeastern Tristate Fisheries, and New Empower Housing Co-op who continued on their Co-op journeys, made great strides, and are still on the path of actualizing and launching their co-ops. We are always here for them and wish them continued success!

New Endeavors as NCBA P6 Council Ambassadors:

Audrey and I, also very much enjoyed our time as NCBA P6 council ambassadors last year. We were honored to represent GCDC this year and contribute to the amazing work happening at NCBA on behalf or cooperatives around the country. Continuing to focus on our priority infrastructure pillars of awareness, education, advocacy, and digital technology to support GCDC and the cooperatives and other partners we serve, will keep us on track for significant growth this year.

What’s Next?:

Our intention is that this also positively impacts the overall cooperative ecosystem and helps to build infrastructures that can be built upon, expanded, and strengthened year after year. Please reach out and connect with us to learn more about our current work and 2024 vision, share your goals and vision with us, or join one of our P6 projects. We’d love to cooperate with you and continue growing together, s don’t hesitate to reach out and connect. Thanks for stopping by. To our continued success together!